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Constructing the Self

An analysis of Neon Genesis Evangelion
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Works Cited

This paper was not a work of written sources so much as it was a work of oral ones. The bulk of the ideas presented are not the result of reading but of discussion; they are not cited in footnotes but in direct references within the text. Listed here, in no particular order, are the people to whom I am most deeply indebted, for having lent their knowledge and expertise to my writing. Names have been initialized for privacy.


  1. "Jacques Lacan," internet, http://www.colorado.edu/English/ENGL2012Klages/lacan.shtml, accessed 3 May 2001.
  2. Anno Hideaki, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijo, episodes 3, 18.
  3. Kare Kano, episode 3.
  4. Anno Hideaki, Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 1.
  5. Evangelion, episode 1.
  6. Evangelion, episode 12.
  7. Evangelion, episode 20.
  8. A.Y.L., personal discussions.
  9. "Jacques Lacan."
  10. Evangelion, episode 1.
  11. Kare Kano, episode 1.
  12. Evangelion, episode 12.
  13. Evangelion, episode 25.
  14. Kare Kano, episode 1.
  15. Kare Kano, episode 3.
  16. Evangelion, episode 18.
  17. Evangelion, episode 24.
  18. End of Evangelion part 1.
  19. End of Evangelion part 2.
  20. "Jacques Lacan."
  21. "Jacques Lacan."
  22. Evangelion, episode 24.
  23. Evangelion, throughout.
  24. Kare Kano, throughout.
  25. Kare Kano, episode 3.
  26. End of Evangelion.
  27. Kare Kano, throughout.
  28. End of Evangelion.
  29. End of Evangelion.
  30. Interview with Fujimi High School, part 4, "Please Listen to Me, Mr. Anno!" Mainichi Intermediate-School News 3 Sept 1998.
  31. Prof. Daniel Botsman, Historical Study B-67, lecture 1.
  32. Prof. Susan Napier, Japanese Literature 135, lecture 9.
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